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Many people around the world dream of what it was like to live in past centuries, and Slovakia’s open-air museums aim to do just that: provide people with a sense of what life was truly like many years ago. Showcasing both classical architecture as well as many traditional handicrafts, these museums aim to bring back to life many ways that have been lost over the years to modernization and development. Unlike traditional museums aimed at keeping classical items behind glass and out of reach, Slovakia’s open-air museums allow visitors to truly interact and experience the natural ways of life from long ago. Whether it is ancient styled churches or simple folk houses, these museums dot the diverse landscape of Slovakia and offer a unique experience to anyone visiting them. From the Banská Štiavnica Open Air Museum of Mining, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to the Archeoskanzen Havránok archeological park near the Liptovská Mara dam, these sites are brought to life in our catalog in all of their glory. Browse our collection below to explore these unique and historic locations for yourself and feel the presence that they can bring to any collection, all thanks to the hard work of world-class photographers striving to provide you with excellence.

Whatever you’re into, never forget that a picture is worth a thousand words. Captured by the most talented creative artists from both Slovakia and around the world, all royalty-free pictures found on this website illustrate Slovakia in all of its glory. To browse the most beautiful and captivating photos of this magnificent country all in one place use search now feature of this website and prepare to be amazed.